Reducing Pollution and Empowering Youth through Himmeli
The concrete objectives of our Erasmus+ project are to reduce pollution in our region, empower youth through the creation of Himmeli kits, and promote green and digital skills among students. The project is linked to the priorities of Environment and fight against climate change, Adapting vocational education and training to labor market needs, and Contributing to innovation in vocational education and training.
Specifically, our objectives are:
1. To reduce pollution in the region by utilizing invasive reeds to create Himmeli kits instead of burning them, which contributes to air pollution. This will be achieved by providing training to students on the proper collection and processing of reeds for the creation of Himmeli kits.
2. To empower youth through the creation of Himmeli kits as a product that can be sold and promoted. This will be achieved by providing training to students on the design and creation of Himmeli kits, as well as marketing and sales techniques. By doing so, students will develop their entrepreneurial and digital skills, which will be highly relevant to the labor market.
3. To promote green skills among students by creating a product that is environmentally friendly and contributes to sustainable development. This will be achieved by providing training to students on the principles of sustainable production and design, as well as the importance of reducing pollution and waste.
4. To promote digital skills among students by utilizing online tools and platforms for the marketing and promotion of Himmeli kits. This will be achieved by providing training to students on digital marketing techniques, as well as the use of social media and e-commerce platforms.
The outcomes and results we hope to achieve from this project include:
1. The creation of a sustainable product that reduces pollution and waste in our region.
2. The development of entrepreneurial and digital skills among students, which will enhance their employability and ability to contribute to the labor market.
3. The promotion of green skills among students, which will enhance their awareness of environmental issues and contribute to sustainable development.
4. The establishment of partnerships with organizations in Macedonia and Greece, which will provide opportunities for cross-cultural learning and collaboration.
5. The development of innovative teaching methods and tools that can be applied in vocational education and training, which will contribute to the priority of Contributing to innovation in vocational education and training.
Overall, our project is designed to address multiple priorities within the Erasmus+ program, while also achieving concrete objectives and outcomes that will have a positive impact on our region and the students involved in the project.
Project coordinator:
Zespół Szkół Ogrodniczych i Ogólnokształcących w Pruszczu Gdańskim